Why Focused Development is Critical to Blockstars’ Future
At Blockstars, we know that focused development is critical to our future success as a game development studio. By staying true to our core gameplay mechanics while focusing on mobile gaming, free-to-play, and community, we’re able to offer an immersive and engaging experience for our players.
Mobile gaming is a crucial element of our development process, as it allows us to reach a wider audience and connect with millions of players worldwide. With mobile games being accessible to all types of gamers, we’re able to offer our unique game mechanics to a global community.
We’re also big believers in free-to-play gaming, which enables us to offer our game to players without any upfront cost. By eliminating this barrier to entry, we’re able to reach a wider audience and build a community of passionate Blockstars players who are excited to share their experiences with others.
However, the most important aspect of our development process is community. We believe that allowing players to own in-game assets fosters a sense of ownership that leads to a dedicated and passionate community of players. By building this community, we’re able to create a deep connection between players and the game; and reap the benefits of community feedback on our development and priorities.
At our recent Town Hall on April 13th, we shared more about the importance of mobile, free-to-play, and community in our development process. We discussed how these concepts have helped us stay on track while remaining true to our core gameplay mechanics. We also shared some art assets that are for the first region of our game, featuring multiple locations and buildings, each with its own levels of progression.
By having a clear understanding of our core gameplay concepts and the features that matter most to our players, we’re able to set priorities and ensure that we’re delivering the best possible gaming experience. This focused approach also allows us to be more agile in our development process, making it easier to pivot when necessary and stay on track toward our long-term goals.
In conclusion, the power of mobile, free-to-play, and community is the driving force behind our development process at Blockstars. These concepts provide us with the tools we need to create a fun and engaging game that’s accessible to everyone. We’re excited to continue developing our game and building a community of passionate Blockstars owners. Thank you for your support and for being a part of our community.
Craig Dalrymple | Head of Community | Blockstars
Why Focused Development is Critical to Blockstars’ Future was originally published in gam3on on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.