Time to start rewarding our holders!
We seem to be having too many big announcements here at FF4, thats a good problem though right? Well buckle up, here’s another one~
Today we are going to talk about Free NFT claims for our Defender Character holders!
As you might be aware, our OG, Helios, and Serum Defenders come with a mountain of benefits and value! This includes a token claim for our in game rewards token, the ability to rent your NFT, access to certain special benefits, and as we are about to discuss — Free NFTs depending on what collection you hold!
We talked about this being something we will do, and now is the time to start offering this incredible benefit/reward!
So lets talk details!
Who can claim these free NFTs?
OG Defender holders (Pre game NFT claims)
Helios Defender holders (Pre game NFT claims)
Serum Defender holders (In-game NFT claims)
What kind of free NFTs can you claim as a holder?
OG holders — Special edition character traits, rare in-game items + more (Pre game NFTs)
Helios holders — Character traits and in-game items (Pre game NFTs)
Serum holders — Character traits and in-game items (In-game only)
When can you start claiming?
OG holders — Our first OG claim will be the Diamond Tier Blue AVKs from our upcoming Free mint! This will happen 8pm EST, 9th June 2023 with the snapshot for eligibility being 8pm EST, 8th June 2023.
Helios holders — First free claim will be 8pm EST, 16th June 2023
Serum holders — First claim will be 1 week after full game launch
How to claim?
Each claim will be announced on our socials (Discord/Twitter). You will need to be holding one of the above characters during the snapshot to be eligible to claim, we will have a link to a platform where you will connect the wallet holding your character and you will be able to mint the item for free (+ possible gas fees). These claims will be on an EVM chain like polygon so gas fees remain minimal or even free if possible!
Each claim will be 1 item per wallet, everyone will have access to this same item. It’s up to you what you do with the item after you mint. You might use it in-game, rent it, sell it, or just add it to your favorite saved loadout using your AVK, as we continue to reward holders with more and more in game items and character traits!
How many free claims will there be?
We plan to reward our OG holders most frequently, then Helios holders, then Serum holders.
We are going to aim to have 1 free item every 7–10 days for OG holders, every 15–20 days for Helios starting on the dates above, and every 4 weeks for Serum holders (only when game is launched for Serum). (These amounts are a target, not final)
Why are we doing this? That’s A LOT of value isn’t it??
We want to provide max value to our early supporters and holders. We don’t want to stop at just tokens and the ability to rent, we want you as our community to be rewarded with as much as we can offer!
So what are you waiting for? Make sure you are holding a Helios or OG Defender before the first Snapshot!
Get your OG defenders HERE
Mint your Helios Defenders HERE, and opensea HERE
Get your Serum Defenders HERE
Stay tuned and join our Discord here for more announcements
Other Links:
Discord — https://discord.gg/flightforce4
Website — https://www.flightforce4.com
Twitter — https://twitter.com/FlightForce4
LinkTree — https://linktr.ee/flightforce4
Time to start rewarding our holders! was originally published in gam3on on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.